Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poetry Exercise: March Violets

This song is about an individual who is battling a duel identity. The individual is fighting stereotypes from belonging to one specific culture, while also being affiliated with another. The lyrics "Can you tell them apart" are repeated numerous times, and signifies that from the outside physical perspective there is only one individual, while on the inside it is turmoil. There are two different sets of values represented in this song, from "firing a gun" to "watering the vine," it shows a softness and harshness to the individual simultaneously. The word "half" is also repeated towards the end of the song and it just adds to the theme of dividedness. Nothing fits in this poem and everything is presented in opposites and there is absolutely no togetherness or solidarity. This dual identity issue can stand for just one individual, while at the same time representing an entire community, because the word "they" is used. However, the "they" can represent the conflicting aspects of that one individual because he does not feel as one.

*After the music and speaking with my fellow classmates*

The music did not suprise me at all because it was slow, depressing, and the lyrics themselves appeared to be divided from each other by significant pauses. The words felt like daggers and the feeling of turmoil and war were present. My other classmates brought to light that this poem could literally be about war, which I had not seen before. Their interpretation makes sense and also fits the music, and it once again proves that there are many sides to a single poem.

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